This study concludes the many growing trends of green construction that are accountable for their
long-term growth. Maximum use of natural resources and reduction of total negative environmental effect All rising ideas to make building easier and lower extra total expenditure expense. Employee productivity and energy efficiency have grown, resulting in a more cost-effective facility. The innovative features that are used in construction as building elements include rainwater collection plants, solar panels, low-emitting windows, and smart eyewear. It is environmentally friendly to nature and helps to prevent pollution by using natural resources that are free of contaminants and co2 gas emissions.
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@article{GSV-280422-03-IJEMT, title = {RESEARCH ON \textendash EMERGING TRENDS OF GREEN BUILDING}, author = {Shubham Kumar ,Satyam Pandey, Satendra, Vikas, Gulshan}, url = {https://ijemt.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/GSV-280422-03-IJEMT.pdf, Download Pdf}, issn = {xxxx-xxxx}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-04-22}, journal = {International Journal of Engineering, Management \& Technology (IJEMT)}, volume = {1}, issue = {02}, pages = {43-48}, abstract = {This study concludes the many growing trends of green construction that are accountable for their long-term growth. Maximum use of natural resources and reduction of total negative environmental effect All rising ideas to make building easier and lower extra total expenditure expense. Employee productivity and energy efficiency have grown, resulting in a more cost-effective facility. The innovative features that are used in construction as building elements include rainwater collection plants, solar panels, low-emitting windows, and smart eyewear. It is environmentally friendly to nature and helps to prevent pollution by using natural resources that are free of contaminants and co2 gas emissions.}, keywords = {Volume 1 Issue 02 April 2022}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} }